Summer Fellowship Series

The formative church for a fractured world: Becoming the answer to Jesus’ prayer 
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm
July 8-August 26, 2020

We live in a cultural moment that begs for the church to be what Jesus prayed it might be. In a time of division, polarization, loneliness, the rise of distrust, the loss of a common life, tribalism, and spiritual emptiness, how might the church be the healer of divisions, rebuilders of the ruins of a fractured society? Can we dream of the day when God’s people are called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings (Isaiah 58:12)? They would be people formed in the character and likeness of Jesus. 

As Knox Church celebrates 200 years of life and ministry, we look forward to God’s continuing mission and wonder: what are the signs of a Christian community forming the character of Christ in a fractured, post-Christian world? Knox Summer Fellowship is a series of public teachings and lectures that aims to explore this question within the context of the high priestly prayer of Jesus for his church. 

Join us for dessert, teaching, and music as we unpack these questions together.

The Saviour’s Prayer for the Church:
An Overview of the High Priestly Prayer, the Signs of the Church, and Why They are Especially Relevant in Today's Culture
John Vissers, Principal of Knox College, Toronto


The 4th Sign: Truth (John 17:17)
The Church as a Prophetic Community
Cheryl Bear, Founding Board Member of NAIITS (an Indigenous learning community),
Associate Professor at Regent College

The 1st Sign: Joy (John 17:13)
Joy, beauty and delight in our angst-riddled age
Anne Snyder,
Editor of Comment Magazine and Author


The 5th Sign: Unity (John 17:20-23)
Living Out the Deep Mutuality of the Trinity in an Age of Hyper-Individualism
Peter Bush, Former Moderator of the PCC

The 2nd Sign: Holiness (John 17:14-17)
Holy Living
Anu George, Canadian Director of International Justice Mission


The 6th Sign: Love (John 17:23-26)
Love Lessons for the Church—Driving out the Fear of Our Age—A Theology of Mutual Affection and Love
Kevin Livingston,
Pastoral Ministry Professor at Tyndale and former minister of Knox Church, Toronto

The 3rd Sign: Mission (John 17: 18-19)
Renewal of All Creation
Kathryn Hayhoe, Director of the
Climate Science Center at Texas University


How Might We Move Forward as the Church That Can Make a Difference in Today’s Culture? The Good Way: a Holy, Ordered, Ordinary Life
Phil Reinders,
Senior Minister Knox Church, Toronto