Knox 200th Anniversary Events

April 17, 2020

After a team meeting this month, we’ve decided to postpone all anniversary celebrations until 2021. We are sad for this, but also want to make sure all can gather with joy and no fear to celebrate the past and anticipate the future of Christ’s work through Knox.

We WILL continue our 200 Acts of Blessing campaign though— this is definitely a season for blessing others as much as possible!

We look forward to updating this site with new dates and information for events later this year.

Please join us in praying for and participating in the safety of our city. And visit for the most recent information about our church operations.

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200 Acts of Blessing
March 1, 2020-[extended date TBA]

Join our faith community as we work together to bless our neighbours and city many times over! And here’s the challenge: if we reach 2020 acts in time, our church leadership will make a donation of $20,200 to a selected Christian charity or mission organization! Find all the details here.


Desert Valley Mission
(Postposted due to COVID-19)

This past fall, a team gathered. This March, we planned to send the team to part of the world we’re calling the Desert Valleys. It’s a place where following Jesus is a greater risk than most of us can imagine. Our team plans to support the work of some folks currently living out the gospel in the region, and hopes to establish a long term partnership with them. Given the current global pandemic, we have postponed our travels and look forward to look at a fall date to travel (tbd).

You are invited to participate in our work! Consider making a donation towards our $15,000 goal—funds that will support the mission organization we’ll be working with as well as covering some of the trip budget. Donate here!

To join the team in prayer or for more information, contact Pr. Nestor Abdon, Global and Local Missions Pastor.


Faith + Practice Conference:
The Climate Crisis & Missions

On Saturday, our annual mission-focused Spring conference focuses on the intersection of mission and global climate crisis. Details unfolding at

On Sunday, our worship focuses on mission and all are welcome to join a lunch and time of sharing from our Knox World Mission workers.


Day of Prayer and Fasting for Repentance

Between Ascension Day and Pentecost, we join as a congregation to pray and fast through the day to prepare for a service of repentance at 7:00pm.


Celebrating ehm: An evening of classical music
in support of Evangel Hall Mission

Violinist Susan Spier and pianist Senan Whelan invite all to enjoy an evening of classical selections in celebration and support of Evangel Hall Mission. Save the date, ticket and event details to come.


Summer Fellowship Series

The formative church for a fractured world: Becoming the answer to Jesus’ prayer 
Wednesdays at 7:00-9:00pm

We live in a cultural moment that begs for the church to be what Jesus prayed it might be. In a time of division, polarization, loneliness, the rise of distrust, the loss of a common life, tribalism, and spiritual emptiness, how might the church be the healer of divisions, rebuilders of the ruins of a fractured society? Can we dream of the day when God’s people are called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings (Is. 58:12)? They would be people formed in the character and likeness of Jesus. 

As Knox Church celebrates 200 years of life and ministry, we look forward to God’s continuing mission and wonder: what are the signs of a Christian community forming the character of Christ in a fractured, post-Christian world? Knox Summer Fellowship is a series of public teachings and lectures that aims to explore this question within the context of the high priestly prayer of Jesus for his church. 

Join us for dessert, teaching, and music as we unpack these questions together. Our speakers this summer include Rev. Dr. John Vissers, Kathryn Hayhoe, Rev. Peter Bush and more.
See the full line up here.


Knox Homecoming Gala & Dinner

All those who’ve been impacted by Christ’s ministry through Knox are invited to a big, beautiful party!  Bring on your fancy clothes, dancing shoes, and belly ready to eat as we celebrate through dinner, stories, music and more. Ticket and event details to come.


Celebration Sunday

Join us for our culminating worship celebration. Our guest preacher will be long-time friend of Knox,  Mary Anne Voelkel.